Remind yourself why you started

Matjaž Šircelj
1 min readJan 26, 2020

What’s the reason you started a job, a relationship, a hobby? And was that reason an honest one, from your deepest beliefs?

Did you get a job for the money or because you were expressing your talents?
Did you engage in a relationship because you were lonely or because you really felt good with someone?
Did you start a hobby because you were bored or because you were genuinely interested in that activity?
Did you do all these things because of you or because you needed to satisfy or impress somebody else?

Society might be a very different construct if we all did what we do because we want, or wish, or desire; instead of outer pressure. It might be a much more enjoyable experience.
And in the process, we might just find our true values, our true selves.

Originally posted on my Instagram on Jan 15, 2020.

