Let it all be.

Matjaž Šircelj
1 min readMay 5, 2020


Photo by Jon Cellier on Unsplash

Feels like I’m late to the party again,
but the eyes in the corner remind me.
The serious ones stay right till the end,
connecting their hearts and souls in talks
about life, love, art and what it all means.

And when they leave, they don’t go to bed yet.
Oh, no, they go for a coffee first, a black coffee,
and have a polite conversation with their soul.
Strolling to their apartment, they enjoy the city,
feeling all life awakening in the neighbourhood.

When they finally get home, they sit for a while,
appreciating the ending, remembering the night
and realizing that moments pass, so you gotta
live them as last, love with your full heart and
every once in a while in your life, let it all be.

