Just do your own thing

Matjaž Šircelj
1 min readJan 21, 2020

Notice the oddity of the revolution going on inside of you, dissolving connections you had with those who you considered friends or even soulmates, just to realize they’ve only been passing through you life, never to stay for good?

Good, you’re not the only one. As you do the work on yourself, engage in personal growth, spend time in books and trying to understand life, universe and everything, realize that most people don’t do that. They spend time in their bubbles and think actions like this are weird, or at least not necessary. Don’t mind them. Everyone has its own path, own values. There’s nothing to judge, nothing to grudge, nothing to hold against.

You just do your own thing. As you mature in your true self, those who don’t belong in your life, will leave, making room for more people who resonate with you.

Be grateful for those who stayed, honor them for sharing the path you’re walking together.

Originally posted on my Instagram on Jan 12, 2020.

