Hiding the dark side
Let your darkness hide no more. It hides only because she’s afraid of judgement, but the truth is, she hides the brightest pearls.
We put so much effort into hiding our dark sides, that we forget we even have them.
Oh, but we do. Not only that, those hidden parts of our unconsciousness are driving our lives! Every decision we make, every reaction, every wrong turn we take, all those actions are based on our deep dark selves.
Until we make them conscious! Until we shed the light on them dark patterns. We become the miners of our underground mines, filled with diamonds and pearls. We risk our lives, trying to dig the riches. We risk dying, but only in our egos. Only our fake selves are in real danger. And once our masks are off, we are free to be. To be ourselves, dark and light, deep and bright. Whole. Again.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
Originally posted (in shorter form) on my Instagram on Jan 9, 2020.